Last week I had the opportunity to attend a joint US National Academy of Sciences and UK Royal Society event on cyber-security in Washington DC. One of the speakers, a true expert that I respect very much, described how they envision building (more) secure systems, and others in the audience provided their opinion (Chatham House Rule prevents me from disclosing names). The debate was of high quality, however it did strike me that it remained at the level of expert opinion. After 40 years of research in cyber-security, should we not be doing better than expert opinion when it comes to understanding how to engineer secure systems?

First, let me say that I have a great appreciation for craftsmanship and the deep insights that come from years of practice. Therefore when someone with experience tells me to follow a certain course of action to engineer a systems, in the absence of any other evidence, I do listen carefully. However, expert opinion is only one, and in some respects the weakest form of evidence in what researchers in other disciplines have defined as a hierarchy of evidence. Stronger forms of evidence include case studies, case-control and cohort studies, double-blind studies with good sample sizes and significant results, and systematic meta-analyses and reviews.

In security engineering we have quite a few case reports, particularly relating to specific failures, in the form of design flaws and implementation bugs. We also have a set of methodologies as well as techniques and tools that are meant to help with security engineering. Which work, and at what cost? How do they compare with each other? What are the non-security risks (cost, complexity, training, planning) associated with them? There is remarkably little evidence, besides at best expert opinion, at worse flaming, to decide. This is particularly surprising, since a number of very skilled people have spent considerable time advocating for their favorite engineering paradigms in the name of security: static analysis, penetration testing, code reviews, strong typing, security testing, secure design and implementation methodologies, verification, pair-coding, use of specific frameworks, etc. However, besides opinion it is hard to find much evidence of how well these work in reducing security problems.

I performed a quick literature survey, which I add here for my own future benefit:

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